Saturday, August 23, 2008

Brain Drain Syndrome and Sustainable Development in Africa: A Practical Approach

Since the Era of Slave Trade, Africa has not been able to attain unto a meaningful and sustainable development. This is not unconnected to the high rate of her human capital flight over the years. In recent times most of the African best brains have migrated to Europe and America for a better working environment and remuneration. If nothing is done to addressed the prevailing brain drain situation, many Nations of Africa may likely be nose-diving from third world to fourth world. There is an urgent need to devise a strategic approach to tackle the issues of Brain Drain, and subsequently engenders sustainable development. This paper provides a practical approach to tackling the issue of brain drain.

“It is not possible to prevent people from migrating to developed countries in search of better prospects in these days of globalization and democratic governance, but a closer examination of the effect of such migration in the recent times merit serious attention”. This was the sentiment expressed by the International Labour Organization in its recent publication titled, “Skilled Labour Migration (the ‘Brain Drain’) in Developing Countries: Analysis of Impact and Policy Issues.”

The term brain drain was invented between 1950s and 1960s by the Royal Society to describe the emigration of European best brain scientists to the United States. This was the era when US Government embarked upon multi-billion dollar defense-related research and created magnetic clusters of scientific excellence. Brain drain has since become an issue of socio-economic importance in Human Development.

The incident of brain drain in Africa today is colossal and it can be well described by the scenario painted in the Bible book- Song of Solomon 1:5,6:
“Dark am I, yet lovely,…….Do not stare at me because I am dark, because I am darkened by the sun. My mother's sons were angry with me and made me take care of the vineyards;
my own vineyard I have neglected. (NIV).
From the above passage, we can conclude that the back skin is not the reason for the lack of development in Africa; rather it is the lazier faire attitude of an average back man towards the development of his God given vineyard – The Land of Africa. Africa is always very eager to work in the vineyards of her brothers in other parts of the world rather than her own. Africa is indeed the architect of her our own predicament, and until she stops blaming others for her predicament her situation may grow worst.

It is only Africa that can develop Africa, and this development is not going to be with the aids from Europe and American. The rate at which Africans migrate to Europe, America, and other part of the world is an indication that Africans place little or no value on their historical past; they seem not to have learnt any lesson from the past.

It is understandable that our forefathers were forced into slavery and afterwards colonized, but we should know that the upcoming generation, and the generation yet unborn would judge us irresponsible should they discover that our generation was never forced into any slavery and was never colonized. The generation-next must not be allowed to see our vineyard overgrown with weeds.

If there is anything that is hindering the socio economic development of our vineyard today: it is brain drain. The unprecedented increase of brain drain from various Africa countries is becoming very alarming and disturbing. In as much as one is not against enhanced knowledge abroad, it is expedient for this enhanced knowledge to serve as a vehicle of socio-economic development rather than becoming inimical to it. Seeking for further training in Europe and America or any other part of the world is not a bad idea, but failing to contribute to African development after such training is what amount to abuse of privilege. It is therefore the responsibility of the present generation to prepare the grounds for the next generation because if our present generation fails, the upcoming generation will never forgive us.

We may not have the power to enslave and colonize the Western world as they did to us, but we have the power to translate our brain training or brain drain into brain gain. This paper therefore addresses the issue of brain drain from Africa, how it can be managed for sustainable development by offering strategic approach to tackling it.

The idea of sustainability is essential for continued survival of any system. In a system, where an ever-increasing phenomenon is threatening or exerting excessive pressure upon a limited resources or a developmental process, there is need to introduce an intervention capable of managing the threat or the excessive pressure, so as to avoid a crisis situation. Sustainability of that system depends on the quality of intervention. For instance an ever-increasing population growth could exert excessive pressure on the limited land resources as in the case of Britain in 1798 when Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus, a Cambridge trained mathematician was concerned about how the limited land space could sustain the ever increasing population growth and likewise in 1865 when William Stanley Jevons in his book ‘The Coal Question’ observed that their was high demand for coal consumption in England as a result of James Watt breakthrough in the invention of his coal-fired steam engine. This resulted in high demand for coal. Jevons became concerned about how the energy consumption in Britain could be sustained by the limited supplies of coals (Wikipedia Encyclopedia; Pezzey and Toman, 2002).

The notion of sustainability from the above argument is about curtailing the an ever-increasing phenomenon such as brain drain that is militating against developmental process and putting the destiny of the future generation at great risk.

According to Field and Field (2002), “a practice is said to be sustainable if it does not reduce the long-run productivity of the natural resources assets in which the country’s income and development depend” (Pg 416).

The Bundlandt Commission rekindled and made popular the idea of sustainability in the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED 1987: 23) Report titled, “Our Common Future.” This Report defines “sustainable development as a development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs.” (Lumley, 2002; Pezzey & Toman 2002).

We cannot talk about sustainable development without making reference to how to prevent developmental hazards for the sake of the future generation. There must be an intervention that is capable of managing the ever-increasing variable that could jeopardize the developmental processes.

We shall define the following terms in the context of the subject matter of this paper:

Sustainable Development
The term sustainable development in the context of brain drain and development describes how the introduction of an intervention could minimize and at the same time manage the rate of human capital flight in order to maintain a steady and consistent socio-economic developmental process both now and in the future.

Brain Train
The term brain train shall describe the process of further education or skill acquisition abroad.

Brain Gain

The term brain gain shall describe the reward derivable from both brain training and brain drain through contribution to development of the fatherland.

Brain Drain
The term brain drain describes the state of human capital flight: that is an emigration of trained and talented individuals for other nations. To emigrate means to leave ones country and seek permanent residency in another country. Brain drain according to Mutume (2003) is said to occur when a country becomes short of skills, when people with such expertise emigrate.

Brain Pain
The term brain pain shall describe the negative effects caused by brain drain.

Many Africans left the shores of their countries and embarked on the journey of brain train abroad. Some of them came back after training to contribute to the development of their fatherland (brain gain), while others seek permanent residency in their host countries (brain drain). For those who came back to contribute to the development of their fatherland, their brain training was translated into brain gain. Those who seek permanent residency abroad eventually became victims of brain drain.

The pleasure of brain drain is within the period when there is still strength and vitality. As soon as the strength fails and ones relevance to the economy of the host country dwindles, one began to experience the pain of prolonged brain drain. Since no place is like home, one becomes nostalgic and the fear of uncertainty set in and this eventually culminates into a season regrets.

Brain drain should not be treated on the surface. It has become a phenomenon that is currently stampeding development in Africa. It is one of the major factors for the present low socio-economic development. The following are the reports on brain drain:

The Report of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
The report of the United Nation Economic Commission for Africa states: “ The emigration of Africa professionals to the West is one of the greatest obstacles to African development.” The Commission’s Deputy Executive Secretary, Dr. Lalla Ben-Barka ones said that, “African governments have a great responsibility to ensure that brain remains in the continent: otherwise, in 25 years’ time, Africa will be empty of brain” Prof. Edward Ofori-Sarspong, the Pro-Vice Chancellor of University of Ghana at Legon warned, “By failing to offer greener pasture for its own intelligentsia, Africa is committing suicide”

The Report of the International Organization for Migration (IOM)
The International Organization for Migration is a United Nations Agency. This agency reported recently that Africa has already lost one third of her human capital to brain drain. Over 3.6 million Africans are spread around the world and more than 300,000 of these Africans are highly qualified professionals with PhDs. Africa is fast losing her skilled personnel at the rate of 20,000 professionals (doctors, university lecturers, engineers and others) annually since 1990.

The IOM Deputy Director General Ndioro Ndiaye notes that a sum of US$4billion is spent annually (an amount representing 35% of the official development aid to the continent) to hire about 100,000 foreign expatriates to fill the gap created by the skill shortage due to brain drain. In Gabon for instance, expatriates are managing 90% of their private firms. Africa is constantly losing many scientists, engineers and technologists to brain drain.

The UN Economic Commission for Africa and International Organization for Migration estimate that 27,000 Africans left the continent of Africa for industrialized nations between 1960 and 1975, this figure rose to 40,000 people between 1795 and 1984. Today, about 20,000 people leave Africa annually.

The Report of the World Bank
A recent World Bank survey in a given year estimates that 70,000 skilled Africans migrated to Europe and America and 100,000 skilled expatriates who earn far higher than those migrated Africans were hired to replace them. In Nigeria petroleum industry 1,000 skilled expatriates were hired to do the job that can be done with the skills of the Africa Diaspora.

The Report of the UNDP Human Development
The 1993 UNDP Human Development Report indicates that more than 21,000 Nigerian medical doctors are practicing in the United States alone.

According to Nigerian born Philip Emeagweli, a 1989 Gordon Bel Supercomputing Nobel Prize Winner, who is presently championing the campaign against brain drain, narrated in his keynote address at a Pan Africa Conference titled, “How to reverse the brain drain?; how he himself became a victim of brain drain and thereby single handedly became instrumental to the immigration of 35 members of his closest relatives including his parents ands all his siblings, nieces and nephews. He further reveals that Africans who migrated to the United States contribute 40 times more wealth to the America than to the African economy. He argued further that for every $300 a professional sent home per month, this professional contributes $12,000 to the U.S. economy per month. According to the United Nations, an African professional working in the United States contributes about $150,000 per year to the U.S. economy. This is why brain drain seems to be beneficiary to the professional especially in the short run.

International Organization for Migration (IOM) gave a very shocking report on brain drain situation for some notable African countries as follows:

Ethiopia Brain Drain Report
In Ethiopia for over 10-15 years about 50% of those trained received oversea training refused to come back home to contribute to the development of Ethiopia. This country lost over 74.6% of its human capital from various institutions between 1986 and 1990.

Ghana Brain Drain Report
Ghana lost 60% of its medical doctors in the 1980s and between roughly 50% of the total population of doctors in Ghana was reported to be practicing in the US.

Nigeria Brain Drain Report
The 1993 UNDP Human Development Report indicates that more than 21,000 Nigerian medical doctors were practicing in the United States. In 1988, Nigeria Government set up a Presidential Committee on Brain Drain during Babangida regime, and the report of that Committee was very shocking: Between 1986 and 1990, Nigeria had lost 10,000 academics from tertiary education institutions alone. The total estimates of those who left the public, privates, and industrial organizations are put at 30,000. In the United States, 64% of Nigerians aged 25 and older have at least a bachelor’s degree.

South African Brain Drain Report
Over 100,000 people are believed to have left South Africa over the last three years and 70% of skilled South Africans who are still in the country are contemplating traveling out. Based on a study carried out by the University of South Africa (Unisa) in 1999, 39,000 South Africans left the country to join the 1.6million already living Abroad (BBC African News 24th July 2002 15:22 GMT 16:22 UK). About 60% of the people that left South Africa left on the account of the high crime rate.

Kenya Brain Drain Report
Ironically, African countries are funding the education of their nationals only to see those trained refusing to come back home to contribute to the development of their fatherland. For instance in Kenya 20 doctors are lost every month. It cost US$40,000 to train a doctor and US$10,000-15,000 to educate a university student for 4 years.

Zimbabwe Brain Drain Report
In 1997, more than 1,000 professionals left Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe National Association of Social Workers estimates that 1,500 of the country’s 3,000 trained social workers left for the United Kingdom over the past 10 years.

Zambia Brain Drain Report
The public sector of Zambia is only able to retain 50 out of the 600 doctors trained in the country’s medical; school from 1978-1999.

The above figure is a proof that that brain drain perpetuates underdevelopment, widens the gap between the rich and the poor and further impoverish the developing nations especially in Africa.

The two major beneficiaries of brain drain are USA and UK. These two countries attract foreign students because of their huge investments on Research and Development R&D.

There are two categories of immigrants in Industrialized countries:
· Unskilled Africans and unemployed African graduates from African Universities who force their ways out to do dirty, dangerous and poorly paid jobs that the nationals of the host country find embarrassing to do.
· African Professionals with highly specialized skilled such as engineers, doctors and nurses

The United States of America
The US puts the shortage of nurses at about 126,000 shortfalls of the present requirement. It is also estimated that she will require 800,000 registered nurses by 2020. This has led to a massive international recruitment drives for nurses in the US. Africa nurses have the opportunity of earning as much as 20 times their salaries if they remain at home. (African Recovery July 2003). Nurses in the US earn as much as $25 per hour, an amount far more than they earn in a month at home.

There is a deliberate policy in the United State to continue to steal brain from developing nations. For instance in January 2001, there was a bill before the Congress designed to give preferential treatment to foreign students with advanced degree in science and technology. Earlier on in 2000, the US Congress announced that it was raising the annual cap on the number of temporary visa granted to highly skilled professionals under H1B Visa Program from 115,000 to 195,000 per year effective until 2003.

United States offers fantastic incentives for scientists because their universities value scientists and are ready to offer them fantastic pay. American universities allow scientists to spend more time on their research and less time on teaching. Brilliant and promising young scientists are giving more opportunities, including the freedom to run their own laboratories unlike in Europe where these young promising scientists will have to work with older professor for about ten years. (TIME Europe; DW-WOLRD.DE DEUTSCHE WELLE)

United Kingdom
In 2000 the British Government cooperating with the Wolfson Foundation, a research charity launched a 20 million pound five year research award scheme aimed at drawing the return of the UK’s leading expatriates scientist and sparking the migration of top young researchers from other nations to the United Kingdom.

Mike Shanahan reported in Science and Development Network (SciDevNEt) News that the United Kingdom is planning to attract more scientists from foreign countries to work in the area of stem cell research and nanotehnology. There is a plan on the way to make UK the most attractive place in the world to do scientific research. UK is already preparing grounds to retain foreign PhD students upon completion of their doctorates at the UK universities.

In Saskatchewan Canada, more than 50% of the medical doctors are from Africa and most of them are South African trained. Recently there was an appeal by the South African Government to the Canadian Government to stop recruiting its medical professionals (African Recovery, July 2003).

Human and Financial Capital Investments
There is no doubt that many Africa countries have benefited from financial capital investment (foreign aids) from various International financial institutions such as International Monetary Fund (IMF), UNDP/UNESCO etc. The challenges associated with these foreign aids are enormous. Apart from the high interest rate and the draconian conditionality attached to them, lack of financial management on the part of some African leaders has being of great concern to well meaning Africans. These foreign aids are not well accounted for in most cases. Some African leaders embark on white elephant projects simply to siphon money meant for national development.

Socio-economic development of any Nation depends on the quality of its human capital. Human capital investment is of great value compared to any financial capital investment. For instance, it is trained teachers that will teach in the schools and not the amount of money pumped to the schools. It is the human capital investment on teacher’ training that will deliver quality teaching in the classroom, not the huge amount of financial votes for school project. It is trained engineers that will construct durable bridges and not the amount of money voted for bridge construction. Highly trained professional will never compromise his standard but poorly trained engineers will compromise with the politicians to share the money meant for development. This is the plight of African highly skilled professionals and the very factor that influence their emigration to foreign countries where professionalism is valued and adequately rewarded. No matter the amount invested on any project, if there are no trained personnel to manage that project, the amount invested is a complete waste.

Today’s leading nations in science and technology are leading simply because of their tremendous investments on human capital and the provision of enabling environment for their professional to function effectively. If you want to build a nation, first invest on human capital and the human capital builds the nation.

The Challenges of Human Capital Investment in Africa
The major challenge confronting human capital investment in Africa is lack of enabling environment in terms of the provision of social infrastructure such as good road, portable water, regular power supplies, quality and affordable telecommunication services, good condition of service, investment on Research and Development (R&D), conducive socio-political atmosphere etc. It is the enabling environment that nurtures and sustains human capital investment. Therefore the provision of enabling environment should be the business of Government. It is the absence of enabling environment that is responsible for the low returns on human capital investment Human capital development requires enabling environment. This is what engender socio-economic development. The question is: What happens when government fails to provide enabling environment? The likely Answer is: brain drain or human capital flight.

Governance should not be left in the hands of the Political groups. We all have a stake in it. To leave governance to the politicians and then emigrate to abroad to seek better life can be is liken to a nursing mother handing over her newly born baby to her househelp to breastfeed. Imagine a man whose house was on fire with all the members of his family in the house, and the fire fighters were not committed enough to handle the fire, only for this man to become frustrated became angry with the fire fighters and abandoned his house and family and headed for his neigbour’s house to seek permanent residency, not minding what become of his household. This is the situation best describes the state of brain drain.

· The man’s annoyance and his seeking permanent residency in his neigbour’s house represent human capital flight.
· Lack of commitment of the firefighters represents the attitude of some of leadership in Africa. .
· The house on fire represents the present state of Africa.

Until every citizen begin to see himself as a stakeholder, development will be far away from us. You don’t have to be in government to contribute to development.

America economy is largely private sector driven. We can do a lot in term of personal contribution to challenge people in government rather than sitting in our house and criticize.

Influence of Globalization
The World has become a global village. Distance is no more a barrier between two ends of the world. The advent of World Wide Web is the mirth behind this collapse of barriers. Unfortunately, Africa seems to be caught up in the web and the more she tries to find her way out the web the more she is entangled in it. Globalization is the driving force behind every knowledge-based economy. Internet and Information and Communication Technology ICT are the power behind Globalization and this is a big challenge in Africa because of the low ICT level. Many professionals who want to take advantage of ICT have migrated to where they can have access to ICT to maximize their potentials. This is responsible for the high rate of brain drain among the professionals in Africa.

Globalization Advantage
Africa nations can take a clue from India experience. India has taken the advantage of globalization to reverse is clock of brain drain. India professionals are returning home to contribute to the development of their nation. According to Saira Kurup report, more and more Indian teachers, scientists, doctors overseas are homeward bound, giving up high-paying jobs abroad and joining R & D units, hospitals, government institutions or even their alma mater. Saira mentioned Chandra Venkataraman as one of such India returnee who after doing her post-doctorate from the US commented “there’s always a connection with one’s country that comes through our parents of the independence generation –a sense of public service. There’s also a feeling that if one works here, one can make a more meaningful contribution.”

In his book “The World is Flat” Thomas L. Friedman said that from 1947 to 1991 the entire infrastructure in India was state owned, but in 1991, their Berlin wall fell and they opened up their economy. As a result of this opening you can stay in India and become one of the Forbes’s richest people in the world. He continued by saying that all the years of India socialism and controls, they could only boost of $1b in foreign currency but when they opened up to globalization they had a leap in their foreign currency to $118b.

Indians when to America for brain train, they came back home with brain gain and India came out of poverty. Indians entrenched themselves in ICT and took advantage of the Y2K fear to ride to economic stardom. India had large population well trained in ICT and when the fear of Y2K came and America needed to review all their computers, Indians had the population to get the work done.

Capacity Building and Africa Diaspora Partnership
Capacity has been defined by Hilderbrand and Grindle (1994) “as the ability of any public or private organization to perform appropriate tasks effectively, efficiently, and sustainably, and Capacity Building is the improvements in such ability either singly or in cooperation with other organizations, to perform appropriate tasks: identifying problems that requires public action, assess options for responding to these problems, formulate policies that constructively address these problems, implement activities required by these policies, and sustain such activities over sufficient time to have an impact on conditions for economic and social development.”

Africa Diaspora Partnership refers to an arrangement that makes African Diaspora to play active role in the African project. Their input in the socio-economic development of their fatherland will be of great assistance in the capacity building process of the African nations. Africa Diaspora in Europe and America can be categorized as follows:
· Africans who became citizen by their host countries by virtue of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade;
· Africa professional who went abroad for further studies with the mind of coming back home;
· African professional who went abroad as a result of some nasty experience back at home and vowed never to come back home.
· Non-professional Africans who went abroad to do odd jobs.

Africa needs Africans to develop Africa, most especially the professionals to contribute to the on-going socio-economic development. Capacity building and Diaspora partnership are vital tools required to turn brain drain into brain gain. The gain of brain drain are enumerated as follows:

International Agencies and Government Collaboration
Agency such as the International Organization for Migration IOM has gained considerable experience in the design and implementation of programmes aiming at tapping the skills of African professionals who are scattered all around the world. In 1983, IOM came up with a programme titled: Return and Reintegrate of Qualified African Nationals (RQAN). Under this programme, over 2000 highly skilled African nationals were assisted to return and reintegrate to 41 African countries. These professional brought back their experience in various field of human endevours. In 2001, IOM launched a similar programme: Migration for Developmetn in Africa (MIDA) in Libreville, Garbon. “MIDA is an institutional capacity building programme that aims to develop the potential synergy between the profiles of African migrants and the demand from countries, by facilitating the transfer of vital skills and resources of the African diasporas to their countries of origin” Through the above efforts, African professionals abroad can bring in new vision to enforce a change. MIDAS target is the African professional, entrepreneurs and experts in the diaspora willing and able to contribute their skills. MIDA has achieved a lot in the areas of strengthening the government capacity building in providing social services such as education and health; improving the partnership and synergies among governments, cooperation agencies in the diaspora; transfer and utilization of skills of Africa in the diaspora; channeling remittances and increasing investment etc.

Africa Diaspora’s Remittance to Africa
It has been observed that Africa Diasporas are one of the major sources of foreign exchange earnings in Africa. The amount of remittance made to Africa is enough to pay African huge foreign debts. Migration for Development in Africa (MIDA) reports that “In 2002 migrant remittance receipts of developing nations stood at US $88billion….the value of remittances flowing through informal channels is three times higher than the official channels.” IMF estimates the Africa Diaspora now constitute the largest foreign investors in Africa, and it is believed that if migrant remittance is efficiently coordinated and managed, it could serve as a means of foreign exchange earning in Africa. Deregulation of international financial markets and the emergence of Information and Communication Technology ICT knowledge based economy have make remittances to developing countries by Africa Diaspora very easy. This is one of the argument in support of brain drain but the truth is financial investment that is devoid of human capital investment cannot solve the problem of Africa.

Virtual Participation
One of the ways by which IOM maintains the link between the African professionals and their home countries is through Information and Communication Technology ICT. MIDA programme is making use of ICT in e-learning to provide distant learning programme to improve educational capacities and collaboration between the professional abroad and their counterparts at home. In South Africa for instance, there is a virtual participation through the South Africa Network of Skills Abroad (SANSA). Through the SANSA websites, South African professional abroad are collaborating with their counterparts at home. It was reported that through this website, 22,000 graduates from five major universities who are now resident abroad are still getting in touch with their universities.

Through virtual participation professional can contribute to the development at home without necessarily relocating to their home countries. Similar networks in Africa are: Association of Kenyans Abroad, the Moroccan Association of Researchers, the Association of Nigerian Abroad, and the Tunisian Scientific Consortium.

Africa can follow the example of how Asia is taking advantage of brain drain to development their continent. For instance the highly skilled Chinese and India in Silicon Valley have set up subsidiaries, joint venture and sub-contracting arrangement in their continent.

Professional Bodies Initiatives
The politicking among Government officials may be of great hindrance to the African Diaspora involvement in development. This is where the professional bodies can come in to play major part. With a close monitoring by appropriate Government agency, professional bodies initiatives can be a better option. The major reasons adduced for the reluctance of some Africa Diaspora from coming home to help in development are:
· The fear of falling victim of dubious people in their countries.
· The unethical and unfriendly reception they receive from some Government officials whenever they come home to offer their assistance.
· The inability and unwillingness of Government to pay for their services.
· The fear of ‘spiritual attack from their native home.

Professional bodies understand themselves and they can easily provide the capacity that can win the confidence of the African Diaspora and rekindle their hope in Africa project.

It is high time Africa began to think of what they can contribute to their fatherland and not what they can get from it. Until Africans are possessed with the spirit of contribution and are ready to sacrifice for their fatherland, the brain drain situation will grow worse. It is time to correct this selfish attitude that is sucking us dry.

There is no point investing all our energies to develop Europe and America and leave our continent desolate. Africa has great numbers of professionals abroad who have what it takes to turn around the destiny of Africa. We need to start building into the younger generation the sense of commitment to their fatherland; otherwise war will not end in Africa. By the time the best brains are in limited supply, development is hindered, mediocrity is enthroned, and mismanagement and misrule take the center stage.

Africans Diasporas must be moved by the pathetic socio-economic situation of their fatherland. They should see this situation the way Nehemiah saw the broken wall of Jerusalem and was moved to rebuild it. Like Nehemiah, they should garner all their expertise and financial wherewithal from foreign land to rebuild. It is unfortunate to hear African saying that they cannot come to their fatherland to contribute to its development. Oduba (2003) observed that most of the skilled Africans abroad are not too eager to come back home because of the poor condition of service. They could not see the rationale behind leaving there fat remuneration and come back to Africa.

It is More than Earning A Living
In as much as no one is urging them to leave there better paying jobs and come back home, at the same time it will amount to a mere selfishness to forget the plight of Africa ones people because of little comfort abroad. If Moses had been selfish, he would not have been used of God to deliver Israel from slavery. Hebrews 11:225 speaks concerning Moses:
“By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season. Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasure in Egypt….”

Every Africa Diaspora needs Moses order of courage to confront the temptation of permanent residency at the expense of Africans development. Destiny cannot be built on Visa Lottery, it is time for Africans to know that whatever is happening in Europe today can happen in Africa only if Africa is ready to give it what it takes.

Brain drain is a global issue; Africa must face it now or live to regret it forever. Although, traveling abroad for further studies (brain train) may not be a bad idea but allowing the glamour and splendor of overseas life to lead to brain drain is the ‘Goliath’ that must be forth and won. Traveling abroad should no more be for brain drain, but rather for brain train and this training must not be on the platform of visa lottery.

God is not a gambler; he does not need Visa Lottery to take anyone abroad for further training. If it is God that is opening the door of brain train for anyone for instance, He is doing so for the benefit of his Nation. God took Joseph to Egypt for the benefit of the Nation of Israel. God arranged Pharaoh’s palace for Moses to receive training so as to lead the Nation of Israel from captivity in Egypt. If it is God that is leading us out, there is no need for any visa lottery. He is big enough to open the door. It is time for Africa to stop selling themselves too cheap. We are creatures of value and God is no respecter of persons.


Barka, B.L.(200) Keynote Address. Regional Conference on Brain Drain and Capacity Building
in Africa. Addis Ababa. Ethiopia 22-24 Febrruary 2000.

BBC News Wednesday 24 July 2002: South Africa hit by brain drain.

BBC News Friday 19 March 2004: Why is Africa losing its best brain

Carrington W.J & Detragiache E(1999) How Extensive Is the Brain Drain. Finance &
Development: a Quarterly Magazine of the International Monetary Fund.: Vol 38(2)

Emeagwali P (2003) How do we reverse the brain drain. A keynoteAddress at the Pan African Conference on Brain Drain. Elsah, Illlinois. 24 October 2003.

Field B.C & Field K.C (2002), Environment Economics: an introduction. McGraw-Hill
Higher Education U.K.

Hilderbrand M.E. & Gilndle M.S (1994), Building sustainable capacity: Challenges for
the public sector. A Pilot Study on Capacity Building (INT/92/676) prepared for the
United Nations Development Programme by the Harvard Institute for International

International Organization for Migration (2004) Migration for Development in Africa
MIDA: Mobilizing the African Diasporas for the development of Africa.

Lumley S(2002) Sustainability and Degradation in Less Developed Countries. Immolating the
future? Ashagate Publishing Limited. England.

Mutume G (2003) Reversing Africa’s brain drain. Africa Recovery Vol 17 #2 Pg 1.
http:/ brain.htm

Oduba V(2003), Brain Drain – Technology Usher in Brain Gain. Science in Africa Magazine.
May 2003.http:/www.scienceinafrica.coza/2003/june/braindrain

Pezzey J. C.V. & Toman M.A (2002) The Economic of Sustainability. Ashagate Publishing
Company. Burlington.

Karup S(2005) US’ brain drain is India’s brain gain. Time News Network Satureday March
19, 2005

Time Europe Magazine: How to Plug Europe’s Brain Drain.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


One of my beloveth graduates came to my office recently and we were talking about unemployment. This young man graduated from Covenant University Ota.

He told me that from his little experience an IT professional, he has just discovered that there are lots of good jobs out there, but there are no qualified graduate to fill them up. This is why we have high job migration among the professionals.

This is a great opportunity to any smart graduates. greater opportunity to undergraduates.

  • First identify where you desire to work.
  • Engage in research to find out their most pressing need
  • Offer yourself to render your contribution if given the chance to work in the organization
  • Don't just package application form alone like others, attach your findings
  • Accomlish your application with a brief stating your interest in the organization, your love for the organization and the findings of your research result.
  • Suggest various ways you can be of tremedous contribution. Mean it.
  • Trust in God and commit it unto God's hand.
I know many people that have gotten their desired job through this approach.

If you are undergraduate you can start following the performance of organizations of your desire right from your second year.

For more detail commend freely and request for details.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Every society has its own value sytem and these values define the beauty of the society. These values enhance the quality of lives of the people. A society that has respect for its value sytem will raise people of great virtues and honour. There is no society that can raise quailty people outside its value system.
The value system of the society is to be protected by her school system. The school curriculum are developed to promote these values and the people cultured to guard these values jealously. This is the only way to make the society a safe place for the preservation of the destinies of its younger generation. It is the responsiblity of every society to rise up and protect its social institution especially the school system against value pollutants such as crimes, soclal menace, drug abuse, cultism, etc.
The values of the society is entrenched in its culture. The European values are entrenched in their culture of human dignity, the African values are entrenched in their culture of family ties and respect for the elders.
Although, every society there are anti value system exceptions, but it is normal for the society to decry these exceptions. For instance, it is anti value system exceptions for a society to experience the culture of youths speaking rudely to the elders, the wave of kidnapping and killings of innocent souls, corruption of public funds etc. Any normal society wount accept that as part of its values.
Today, we see break down of societal values and the undue over celebration of anti-social value exceptions. It is this over celebrated over hat is destroying our value system.
For instance, it is part of the Yoruba value system to protect the good name of the family, and the people have beautiful proverbs to remind themselves of this societal value: They will say, "oruko rere sanju wura ati fadaka" meaning a good name is better than silver and gold; they will say "ise logun ise" meaning work is the cure for lack.
In youruba value system, dancing naked which is believed to be our culture is not part of it. Young ladies are trained to respect their nackedness and virginity. Display of their nackedness anyhow even before their husband is not acceptable. There is even a proverbs that describes wayward woman as "a toju oko roso" meaning dressing before the husband. In our value system, it is the honour of parents to give their daughter out for marriage as a virgin. The exception to this is that many of our ladies see virginity as old fashioned. This is not part our value system.
It is anti value sytem exception to be invlove in anti social activities, but do we see today? An applause of corrupt public office holders, a collaboration between criminals and some incorrigible element among the law enforcement agents. These anti-social activities are aided by the collapse of our school system. When the school can no more protect the interest of its societal value system, we then have a society that is plagued by the harassment of anti social value exceptions.
The broken wall of our school system should be raised to bring back to the society the lost values. It is time for a new generation of leader to be raise by the school system and this can only be possible if the curriculum of the school can be repackaged to accomodate revival of our lost value system.
Ritual killing, kidnapping, corruption, sexual perversions are not part of our value system they are the exceptions that crept in when the school system went on a long commatosse.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Inspiration has only one source (God) before God extended it to other beings. Satan received divine inspiration and corrupted it with occultic practices. Man received divine inspiration and contaminated it with human intellectual philosophy.

Whoever inspires you has the power to control your life, so beware of who inspires you.

If you allow an occultic person to inspire you, you will soon become occultic.

Inspiration is a funtion of your spiritual sensitivity. If you are sensitive to the Divine, you will be divinely inspired, and if you are not sensitive, you stand the chance of either being 'Satanly' inspired (occultic) or humanly inspired (common sense).

There three inspiration channels:
1. Divine inspiration
2. Satan demonized inspiration (Occultism)
3. Hhuman intellectual inspiration (head knowledge).

From which channel are you operating from?

The Bible which is the oldest library in the world, was written by holy men as they were inspired by the Holy Ghost. These men were farmers, lawyers, fishers, kings, etc.

The effect of their inspiration is demonstrated by the validity of the truth in the Bible, which is still relevant to human existence over 6,000 years of its compilation, first as scripture and later as a complete Bible. It is the most attacked book on the earth, yet the most enduring.

Many human ideological institutions had challenged it's authority in time past, the latest of them was Communism. Communism hated the Bible so badly and pronouced its unimely death. Communism died few years ago but the validation of the Bible as the only soul conveting device remains unquestioanle. It is the only book that had no need of being reviewed since it was delivered unto mankind.

The Bible is a prodcut of divine inspiration; II Tim 3:16 says that all scripture is given by the inspiration of God. And is the only God's wisdom book. if you want to know about God go to the Bible. Other books make reference to it but it makes no reference to any other book. Other religious books need bible quotation to persuade and apeal to mankind, Bible made no reference to any other book.

Bible is the only book of moral code where every nation including nation where God is not believed, drafted the laws of their land. Men that believed not the Bible are only afraid of it's truth.

Inspiration Supplies the Linkage between Knowledge and Wisdom
Information births knowledge, and inspiration gives understanding available Job 32:8, and without understanding knowledge cannot release its hidden wisdom. understanding is the linkage supplies by inspiration to take us from the realm of knowedge to the realm of wisdom.

Wisdom is hidden in every piece of knowledge, and it takes understanding to bring out this hidden wisdom. Wisdom is at the other side of knowledge, it takes undertanding to take us there.

There are many knoweldgable people who lack wisdom because they are either not inspired or negatively inspired.

God is the only source of inspiration, but when it was corrupted by Satan and contaminated by human philosophy, the people began to experience wrong inspiration.

Any inspiration that devalues human dignity is a wrong inspiration. If you examine the lives of many celebrities (there decent ones), with due apology to the liberals, they live lives that devalue human dignity.

When God created man, he dignifies him with glorious covering, when man devalued himself with disobedience and sinned. He became naked.

No wonder many celebrities prefer to go half nude to feel good. Any inspiration that devalues your dress sense is a wrong inspiration and wrong inspiration will transmit to your spirit corrupted understanding and this negative understanding destroys the value of your knowledge, which subsequently introduce virus into your wisdom. There are many virused wisdom on earth today.

My charge to you is get the right kind of inspiration and get value for life. Your value system is boosted by divine inspiration; go for it.

It takes inspiration to lead and lead well. Don't corrupt it, don't contaminate it.

My prayer for you is that you will no more open yourself to corrupt and contaminated brand of inspiration.

Remain blessed.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008



The subject of leadership is a broad subject. Many authors have defined leadership is many different ways.

John C Maxwell defines leadership as influence and leadership impact increases as the influence increases. It is not influence due to position but influence that is earned because the leader cares. Leaders use their influence to add value to lives and not to manipulate people to achieve a selfish interest.

Genuine influence demands heavy responsibility from the leader because people must follow from their heart and not forced or manipulate to follow.

Dr David Oyedepo defines leadership as taking the lead in meeting the need of people. It is all about making your contribution in your area of calling. Leadership is setting the pace and showing the way.

Dr Myles Munroe defines Leadership as the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, generated by a vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose.

Dag Heward-Mills defines leadership as a calling into a specific assignment. If you are called into ministry, you are a leader as a minister.

Many are called into leadership, but only few end up as leaders because others are not prepared to pay the price of leadership.

From all the definitions above, we can deduce that leadership is influence, taking the lead in your area of calling, inspiring and imparting vision unto other.

Dr. Myles Munroe made a distinction between leadership spirit and the spirit of leadership.

Leadership spirit is what Kenneth E. Hagin called the spirit within. This is the seed of dominion planted in every man at creation. It is what makes man a spirit. Every man has leadership spirit.

The spirit of leadership on the other hand is called the spirit upon by Kenneth E. Hagin. It is the Spirit of God that comes upon a man and makes him fulfill destiny. Until man is endured with this spirit he cannot manifest his leadership destiny.

Dr Myles Munro also made us understand that our spirit is a leadership spirit. God made it so from the beginning when he gave man dominion over the earth, but our leadership can only manifest when we begin to operate in the spirit of leadership.

The spirit of leadership is the inspiration that connect us to the wisdom bank. It is not enough to have the leadership spirit( that is born with the leadership potential); we must strive and commit ourselves to the demand of leadership and by this we will surely manifest the spirit of leadership.
Many have leadership spirit by virtue of creation, but only few carry the spirit of leadership.

Leadership is not a technique, a style, or acquisition of skills but a manifestation of a spirit. This statement has impacted greatly on my life. Leadership is not a course you go to study in the university; it is not a style you copy from someone, or a skill you go to acquire from a workshop.

You don’t need to go to a school of leadership to become a leader; or copy a style of leadership to be a leader. Leadership is not even occupying a position of authority. Leadership is not a physical entity. It has a spirit connection.

It is the spirit of leadership that guarantees the flow of inspiration, and the flow of inspiration enables leaders to operate at the frequency of manifold wisdom.

A true leader enjoys inspiration because he has the Spirit of God constantly interacting with his human spirit.

Today so many people pose as leaders because they occupy a position of leadership but they are far from being leaders. Because you win an election does not qualifies you to be a leader, that you rose through the ranks to become the CEO of your organization is not enough to make you a leader. When people without the spirit of leadership assume the position of leadership, they abuse the office and create more problems.

Every man has a spirit but not every man has the Holy Spirit, therefore not every man can become a leader, his occupying a position of leadership notwithstanding.

Dr Oyedepo often says, a leading lawyer leads in Law, a leading academia leads in academics, and a leading preacher leads in preaching. You don’t find a leading lawyer leading in medicine. You can only lead in your area of assignment.

You can only become a leader where you are sent to make contribution in life. There is a driving energy that drives you along the path of your calling. This driving energy is the spirit of leadership.


Every leader has a vision with which he is driven along his path of fulfillment. This vision is of God and it takes the baptism of the spirit of leadership to receive divine vision.

Hab 2:1-3
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make [it] plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision [is] yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Dr David Oyedepo defines vision as the unfolding of divine plan. To access divine plan you must be ready to take responsibility of approaching God to know the mind of Christ concerning divine plan for your life.

It is your vision that defines your area of calling. It is your vision that defines your purpose in life. That is why every genuine leader is sure of his area of calling and he leads the people in the direction of that area.

There is a spirit in a leader and the inspiration of the almighty serve as the compass for his vision to lead him along the path of his leadership destiny.

Leadership is first a calling and if you are called to be a leader you must strive to take the lead and set the pace in that area of your calling.

You don’t emerge as leader where you are not called and it takes a vision to locate where you are called.

There is a saying that our attitude determines our altitude in life.

There are many people that are in the position of leadership today that are not carrying the attitude of heart that goes along with leadership.

It is the attitude of the leader that makes him command the respect of his followers. Show me a leader and I will show you a man of right attitude.

Leaders are known for the kind of hearts they carry. Leaders are known to have hearts for the people. They get angry when they see people suffering. They are ready to go the extra miles to see a change in people lives. That is why leaders are agents of change.

The spirit of leadership in Moses first manifested when he saw an Egyptian molesting an Israelite. He never knew when he laid his hand on the Egyptian. His calling was to lead the nation of Israel out of Egypt and the spirit was leading him towards his area of calling.

It is the spirit of leadership that makes leadership more of attitude of the heart than just a mere art to be mastered and displayed at will.

When leaders lead by inspiration, they command the respect of their followers. Visionary leadership rides on the wings of inspiration.

In conclusion, see yourself as a potential leader and be ready to pay the required price for leadership. Let the spirit of God be your guide and impact you with the vision of your purpose in life. This will make you a true leader indeed.



The world is a pyramid, the bottom is very large, but the top is too narrow. The bottom is for the crowd, while the top is for the leaders. The bottom is a place of struggle for survival, while the top is a place of strength for living. You don’t need to struggle at the top you only need strength to stay and remain there.
The top is free but only few people get there. Why not be in the company of the few that get to the top. The higher you go the cooler it becomes. The heat is much at the base. The base is for the crowd; only leaders get to the top.

No leader was born at the top, even Jesus the world greatest leader stated from the manger. David the world most blessed king, was picked from the sheepfold. Mother Theresa was not born in the palace. You don’t have to be born with silver spoon in your mouth to become a leader. It is not hereditary. You can choose to leave the bottom of the pyramid if you so wish.

The chance of breaking through at the bottom of the pyramid is too remote. It is like forcing a snail to run in the Olympics.
It is interesting to know that many leaders started as members of the crowd, but one day they made decisions and took steps that eventually paved their way to the top. The top is not the exclusive right of the privileged few. You can walk your way to the top from the crowd. It is not by wishing, it is not by luck, it is by conscious, deliberate and strategic approach.

There are too many people who are life member of the crowd. They have no purpose for living and no direction in life. They lack vision to see the future. They are multitude with no sense of mission. They end up frustrated and die common with nothing attributed to their names. These crowd members are everywhere in every nation and they are in the majority.

The people in the crowd are too common and hence they have little or no value. Some of them that work so hard earn little because they generate little value. There is no much value in the crowd; that is why they hire them for peanut. If you must generate value, you must leave the crowd. You must strive for excellence in whatever you do. This is the only way to the top.


The journey to leadership begins with a discovery of God ordained purpose. No manufacture created a product before thinking of the purpose the product will serve. He decides the purpose in his mind before going to the drawing board to design it. God drew out the plan for our lives; went to the drawing board to design us before deciding the parents through which he arrived on earth. Even our parents did not have a say in our designs. They were only privilege to serve as the vehicle that drives us into the earth.

When you discover your area of calling and you pour your passion into it, and you consciously locate a credible leader to mentor you in your area of calling, you are on your way to becoming another credible leader. It is your desire to lead in your area of calling that makes you enroll as a protégé in the school of leadership under a credible leader. Every credible leader today was once a follower and protégé of another credible leader.

It takes a leader to produce another leader. My choice of the word “credible leader” is deliberate, because there are many self-acclaimed leaders who are not worthy to be called leaders because they lack vision they only find themselves in the position of leadership either by selection or by manipulation. It takes a well defined vision and sense of purpose to lead and lead well.


Every credible leader is a visionary leader. He sees ahead of others and then takes the lead in showing the way. His judgment is respected because he is credible.
Visionary Leadership begins with Discipleship. If you are not humble enough to be disciple by a leader, you will not be qualified to become a leader. If you assume leadership position without going through discipleship training, you will only become a leader with thugs and hooligans as followers. Thugs and hooligans don’t need any training; only genuine followers need discipleship training. Thugs and hooligans are mad dogs waiting for stupid instruction to carry out. They live for what they can get. They cannot think. People that use them never wish their children become thugs and hooligans.

A good leader invests heavily on training. If you want genuine people to follow your leadership, you too must be ready to invest in their lives. Those you invest in their live will willingly follow you until they also grow to become a leader and continue to remain under your leadership oversight. There is no genuine leader that does not have a leader ahead of him, and until you enroll to be a disciple of a leader you cannot become a leader.

Jesus followed God as his leader. He was disciple by God. He was a protégé of God. He followed His instruction to the letter; he later became a leader and also raised twelve disciples who later became leaders of the gospel (John 17:4, 6a, 18). Jesus had a visionary leader ahead of him (God) and he too became a visionary leader and he too went ahead to made other visionary leaders (the twelve disciples). This is visionary leadership circle.

To become a leader identify a credible leader to follow and grow under his discipleship. In no distant time you too will become a credible leader with many followers. As a follower, you are called to serve and your reward is honour (John 12:26).


Jesus was born among the crowd. There was no money to even rent a room in the inn. He came from the bottom of the bottom. He started his life among the crowd. At age twelve he made a decision never to remain in the crowd, and for eighteen solid years he consciously enrolled in the school of discipleship, first with the lawyers of his days and latter in his father carpenter’s shed: At age twelve, Jesus stayed back in the temple to learn at the feet of the renowned lawyers of his days; hearing them speak and asking them relevant questions (Luke 2:46-47). These lawyers were amazed at his high level of understanding. Later he was under the carpentry apprenticeship in his father’s shed; he learnt carpentry until the people stop calling him ‘the son of the carpenter’ (Matt 13:55) into being called ‘the carpenter’ (Mark 6:3). If Jesus the son of the most high could invest eighteen years of his early in the school of discipleship to prepare for his three and half years mission on earth, who are you not to invest the early productive part of your life in order to secure a glorious future.

The lack of discipleship of many youths is the reason for shortage of leadership today. We have more youths in the crowd and only very few at the top.


A leader inspires from the word of God and educates his followers through a discipleship training programme and these followers become empowered until they also enter into their leadership destiny. According to Dr David Oyedepo, the chancellor of Covenant University, a leader is someone who takes the lead, and set the pace for other to follow. There are many people are endowed with this leadership assignment by destiny.


Parents are leaders; they are the first leader a child encounters. It is the responsibility of parents to disciple their children. It takes a discipled parent to effectively disciple a child. Today we have many parents who never went through parental discipleship and yet are rearing children. They assumed the role of parenting because circumstances beyond them, has forced them into parenting. There are many parents who had never read a single book on parenting or attended any seminar on parenting. Many parents make the mistake of thinking that adequate provision can substitute for child’s home training. They labour to provide for their children; all the essentials but are not always there for them. These children end up receiving training from strangers and end up becoming strangers to their parents. When parents put their wards under the care of uncultured and untrained house-help, what do they expect? There are many homes where their children have fallen victims of the negative habits of their uncultured house helps. Today we hear of even male drives abusing innocent baby girls because the parents put the child in their cares to take to school.


Teachers are leaders and teaching profession has suffered in the hands of those who are not called to be a teacher but find themselves in the profession for the sake of survival. Although they went through schools to received teaching certificates, unfortunately they were not patient enough to submit to the discipleship of older and experienced teachers. By the time a teacher is demanding gratification in cash and kind from the students before doing his job, what do you expect under that school atmosphere? We all know that this is the plight of our public schools. There are more cheaters than teachers, who will rather use the school time to run their private businesses. This evil is more pronounced in our higher institutions. Society is the reflection of her school systems. Since secret cults activities have become a norm in most of our institutions, our society is plagued with the increase in the activities of ritual killers and all forms of gangsterisim and hooliganism.


It is wrong to assume that every political office holder is a leader. Many politicians have done more harm than good. They kill there people with the help of the thugs and hooligans they have raised among the crowd. They embezzled public funds to enrich themselves and their family members. They betray the trust repose on them by their people. They don’t have the interest of the people in their heart. They use the machinery of power to perpetrate their evil. Despite these evil reports about some of our politicians, there are still few of them that believe in the good of their country and they stand for the truth. These are the true leaders and we pray for more of them will be raised among our youths.


The crowd is not where we belong although many of us stated from there. A journey from the crowd into leadership begins with a conscious enrollment in the school of Discipleship under a credible leader. We must locate these credible leaders and enroll as protégé under their leadership.
A visionary leader helps you discover your purpose through vision that he impacts unto you each time you are privilege to hear him speak. As you enroll in the school of discipleship under a visionary leader and you follow him faithfully, you will soon become an enviable and visionary leader. Elisha located Elijah and enrolled under his discipleship and follow faithfully. Despite the mocking of other sons of prophets Elisha followed until he received the double portion of the anointing that was upon Elijah.

A visionary parent must have vision of the type of children he wants to raise, a visionary teacher must have a vision of the type of graduates he wants to produce and a visionary politician must have a vision of the type of society he desire to have.

It is only by this we can have a Godly society where only things of value will be celerated and promoted.


The biggest challenge of our nation is the breakdown of societal values. With our eyes wide open, we see family values been shattered; there is high rate of divorce, and the number of single parenthood is on the increase. It is no more news to see public office holders looting the treasury of State. Moral value is constantly under threat and our media houses are the principal culprits, through all kinds of ungodly musical video presentations.

The breakdown of family values is the reason for the woes of our society. One major area that has suffered as a result of this breakdown is our socio-political life. Education a vehicle for social change is plagued with the evil of examination malpractices, sexual pervasion and cultism, the political system is equally plagued with corrupt electoral process that cannot produce credible election. The resultant effect is the emergence of leaders with weak character. The increasing number of rogues in the corridor of power is unprecedented in the history of our political history.

For a new generation of leaders to emerge, there must be a restoration of our value system. The restoration of our value system is then reason foe the birth of Covenant University Core Values. Covenant University is set up to raise a new generation of leaders, men and women who will live under Godly oath to deliver values to their generation. By the time we have more products of Covenant University living by these core values, in no time, we shall have a restoration of our lost values.

The Core Value of Covenant University
There are seven Core Values designed by God to guide the process of raising new generation of leaders in Covenant University. These values:
1. Spirituality
2. Possibility Mentality
3. Capacity Building
4. Integrity
5. Diligence
6. Responsibility
7. Sacrifice

Spirituality is the number one core values. The reason for this is that it has been proved in history that spirituality is the mirth behind world great inventions. It was after the spiritual awakening in America and Great Britain that we begin to witness the emergence of great inventors. There is no doubt that these inventors were mostly products of this spiritual awakening. Spirituality should not be mistaking for religiosity. Spirituality is our only connection with God. It takes spirituality to manifest our full potential and live our life to its fullness. With spirituality, purpose is easily pursued to fulfillment. When we seek God first we become the first in all things. It is lack of spirituality that will make a leader to live without the fear and consciousness of God. With spirituality core values, Covenant University products will indeed become the desirable leaders our dear nation having longing to have.

Possibility Mentality
It is possibility mentality that enables a man to believe that with God all things are possible. We can live a debt free life with possibility mentality; It is lack possibility mentality in leadership that keep Nigeria in perpetual darkness despite the volume of money spent on our energy sector. It is possibility mentality of our Chancellor, Dr David Oyedepo that makes the building of Faith Tabernacle and Covenant University a reality. Products of Covenant University are expected to manifest possibility mentally, wherever they are confronted with challenges, they must approach the challenge with possibility mentality.

Capacity Building
Today, we have in our country, some leaders who are neither readers nor searcher of knowledge. They lack the required capacity to hold public office. You hardly hear them make reference to any great leader or author in their speeches. What core value of capacity building is aimed at doing is to build in our products the consciousness of life long learning, like the Chancellor, Dr David Oyedepo will always say, “When you stop learning you start dying”. Leaders are trained to take the lead, that is why they must be equipped with relevant information that will enhanced their delivery as leaders. A leader must be ahead of the lead to maintain the lead.

Capacity without integrity will lead to leadership abuse. What is the use of a self acclaimed ‘great achiever’ who is a rogue. CU products will not only be equipped with the capacity to deliver, they will also have integrity to match their delivery. The core value of Integrity will build in our products the sense of truthfulness.

Many of today’s leaders are not ready to work, talk less of working hard. They want to have it so easy. Traveling around our country today, you see a lot of abandoned projects, because somebody somewhere lack the required handwork needed to get things done. A diligent product will work to enhance quality of life. Many Nigerians work to survive. It takes diligence to attain into distinction.

A good leader must be all round responsible. A responsible person must be dependable and reliable. CU products must be dependable and reliable. When they are put in charge of any business, they must give good account of their stewardship. It is irresponsibility in leadership that makes the nation to still remain at poverty level despite the huge amount of money made from crude oil. With responsible leaders in position of power, our nation will experience a true national transformation. This we believe Covenant University products will produce for our Nation.

Leadership is all about sacrifice. Until you are ready to sacrifice yourself for other, you are not fit to become a leader. A leader must be ready to pay the price. Jesus Christ, the greatest leader of all time paid the highest price of sacrifice: he laid down his life. Many of our leaders in this country are not ready to even forgo their comfort for the wellbeing of others. CU products are trained to live a life of contribution. Leaders earn respect of their followers when they live a sacrificial life. Leaders are not boss they are servant of the people. A servant leadership is the best kinds of leadership and that is what CU products is expected to provide.