Thursday, June 26, 2008


Inspiration has only one source (God) before God extended it to other beings. Satan received divine inspiration and corrupted it with occultic practices. Man received divine inspiration and contaminated it with human intellectual philosophy.

Whoever inspires you has the power to control your life, so beware of who inspires you.

If you allow an occultic person to inspire you, you will soon become occultic.

Inspiration is a funtion of your spiritual sensitivity. If you are sensitive to the Divine, you will be divinely inspired, and if you are not sensitive, you stand the chance of either being 'Satanly' inspired (occultic) or humanly inspired (common sense).

There three inspiration channels:
1. Divine inspiration
2. Satan demonized inspiration (Occultism)
3. Hhuman intellectual inspiration (head knowledge).

From which channel are you operating from?

The Bible which is the oldest library in the world, was written by holy men as they were inspired by the Holy Ghost. These men were farmers, lawyers, fishers, kings, etc.

The effect of their inspiration is demonstrated by the validity of the truth in the Bible, which is still relevant to human existence over 6,000 years of its compilation, first as scripture and later as a complete Bible. It is the most attacked book on the earth, yet the most enduring.

Many human ideological institutions had challenged it's authority in time past, the latest of them was Communism. Communism hated the Bible so badly and pronouced its unimely death. Communism died few years ago but the validation of the Bible as the only soul conveting device remains unquestioanle. It is the only book that had no need of being reviewed since it was delivered unto mankind.

The Bible is a prodcut of divine inspiration; II Tim 3:16 says that all scripture is given by the inspiration of God. And is the only God's wisdom book. if you want to know about God go to the Bible. Other books make reference to it but it makes no reference to any other book. Other religious books need bible quotation to persuade and apeal to mankind, Bible made no reference to any other book.

Bible is the only book of moral code where every nation including nation where God is not believed, drafted the laws of their land. Men that believed not the Bible are only afraid of it's truth.

Inspiration Supplies the Linkage between Knowledge and Wisdom
Information births knowledge, and inspiration gives understanding available Job 32:8, and without understanding knowledge cannot release its hidden wisdom. understanding is the linkage supplies by inspiration to take us from the realm of knowedge to the realm of wisdom.

Wisdom is hidden in every piece of knowledge, and it takes understanding to bring out this hidden wisdom. Wisdom is at the other side of knowledge, it takes undertanding to take us there.

There are many knoweldgable people who lack wisdom because they are either not inspired or negatively inspired.

God is the only source of inspiration, but when it was corrupted by Satan and contaminated by human philosophy, the people began to experience wrong inspiration.

Any inspiration that devalues human dignity is a wrong inspiration. If you examine the lives of many celebrities (there decent ones), with due apology to the liberals, they live lives that devalue human dignity.

When God created man, he dignifies him with glorious covering, when man devalued himself with disobedience and sinned. He became naked.

No wonder many celebrities prefer to go half nude to feel good. Any inspiration that devalues your dress sense is a wrong inspiration and wrong inspiration will transmit to your spirit corrupted understanding and this negative understanding destroys the value of your knowledge, which subsequently introduce virus into your wisdom. There are many virused wisdom on earth today.

My charge to you is get the right kind of inspiration and get value for life. Your value system is boosted by divine inspiration; go for it.

It takes inspiration to lead and lead well. Don't corrupt it, don't contaminate it.

My prayer for you is that you will no more open yourself to corrupt and contaminated brand of inspiration.

Remain blessed.
