Wednesday, June 4, 2008


The biggest challenge of our nation is the breakdown of societal values. With our eyes wide open, we see family values been shattered; there is high rate of divorce, and the number of single parenthood is on the increase. It is no more news to see public office holders looting the treasury of State. Moral value is constantly under threat and our media houses are the principal culprits, through all kinds of ungodly musical video presentations.

The breakdown of family values is the reason for the woes of our society. One major area that has suffered as a result of this breakdown is our socio-political life. Education a vehicle for social change is plagued with the evil of examination malpractices, sexual pervasion and cultism, the political system is equally plagued with corrupt electoral process that cannot produce credible election. The resultant effect is the emergence of leaders with weak character. The increasing number of rogues in the corridor of power is unprecedented in the history of our political history.

For a new generation of leaders to emerge, there must be a restoration of our value system. The restoration of our value system is then reason foe the birth of Covenant University Core Values. Covenant University is set up to raise a new generation of leaders, men and women who will live under Godly oath to deliver values to their generation. By the time we have more products of Covenant University living by these core values, in no time, we shall have a restoration of our lost values.

The Core Value of Covenant University
There are seven Core Values designed by God to guide the process of raising new generation of leaders in Covenant University. These values:
1. Spirituality
2. Possibility Mentality
3. Capacity Building
4. Integrity
5. Diligence
6. Responsibility
7. Sacrifice

Spirituality is the number one core values. The reason for this is that it has been proved in history that spirituality is the mirth behind world great inventions. It was after the spiritual awakening in America and Great Britain that we begin to witness the emergence of great inventors. There is no doubt that these inventors were mostly products of this spiritual awakening. Spirituality should not be mistaking for religiosity. Spirituality is our only connection with God. It takes spirituality to manifest our full potential and live our life to its fullness. With spirituality, purpose is easily pursued to fulfillment. When we seek God first we become the first in all things. It is lack of spirituality that will make a leader to live without the fear and consciousness of God. With spirituality core values, Covenant University products will indeed become the desirable leaders our dear nation having longing to have.

Possibility Mentality
It is possibility mentality that enables a man to believe that with God all things are possible. We can live a debt free life with possibility mentality; It is lack possibility mentality in leadership that keep Nigeria in perpetual darkness despite the volume of money spent on our energy sector. It is possibility mentality of our Chancellor, Dr David Oyedepo that makes the building of Faith Tabernacle and Covenant University a reality. Products of Covenant University are expected to manifest possibility mentally, wherever they are confronted with challenges, they must approach the challenge with possibility mentality.

Capacity Building
Today, we have in our country, some leaders who are neither readers nor searcher of knowledge. They lack the required capacity to hold public office. You hardly hear them make reference to any great leader or author in their speeches. What core value of capacity building is aimed at doing is to build in our products the consciousness of life long learning, like the Chancellor, Dr David Oyedepo will always say, “When you stop learning you start dying”. Leaders are trained to take the lead, that is why they must be equipped with relevant information that will enhanced their delivery as leaders. A leader must be ahead of the lead to maintain the lead.

Capacity without integrity will lead to leadership abuse. What is the use of a self acclaimed ‘great achiever’ who is a rogue. CU products will not only be equipped with the capacity to deliver, they will also have integrity to match their delivery. The core value of Integrity will build in our products the sense of truthfulness.

Many of today’s leaders are not ready to work, talk less of working hard. They want to have it so easy. Traveling around our country today, you see a lot of abandoned projects, because somebody somewhere lack the required handwork needed to get things done. A diligent product will work to enhance quality of life. Many Nigerians work to survive. It takes diligence to attain into distinction.

A good leader must be all round responsible. A responsible person must be dependable and reliable. CU products must be dependable and reliable. When they are put in charge of any business, they must give good account of their stewardship. It is irresponsibility in leadership that makes the nation to still remain at poverty level despite the huge amount of money made from crude oil. With responsible leaders in position of power, our nation will experience a true national transformation. This we believe Covenant University products will produce for our Nation.

Leadership is all about sacrifice. Until you are ready to sacrifice yourself for other, you are not fit to become a leader. A leader must be ready to pay the price. Jesus Christ, the greatest leader of all time paid the highest price of sacrifice: he laid down his life. Many of our leaders in this country are not ready to even forgo their comfort for the wellbeing of others. CU products are trained to live a life of contribution. Leaders earn respect of their followers when they live a sacrificial life. Leaders are not boss they are servant of the people. A servant leadership is the best kinds of leadership and that is what CU products is expected to provide.

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