Sunday, June 29, 2008


Every society has its own value sytem and these values define the beauty of the society. These values enhance the quality of lives of the people. A society that has respect for its value sytem will raise people of great virtues and honour. There is no society that can raise quailty people outside its value system.
The value system of the society is to be protected by her school system. The school curriculum are developed to promote these values and the people cultured to guard these values jealously. This is the only way to make the society a safe place for the preservation of the destinies of its younger generation. It is the responsiblity of every society to rise up and protect its social institution especially the school system against value pollutants such as crimes, soclal menace, drug abuse, cultism, etc.
The values of the society is entrenched in its culture. The European values are entrenched in their culture of human dignity, the African values are entrenched in their culture of family ties and respect for the elders.
Although, every society there are anti value system exceptions, but it is normal for the society to decry these exceptions. For instance, it is anti value system exceptions for a society to experience the culture of youths speaking rudely to the elders, the wave of kidnapping and killings of innocent souls, corruption of public funds etc. Any normal society wount accept that as part of its values.
Today, we see break down of societal values and the undue over celebration of anti-social value exceptions. It is this over celebrated over hat is destroying our value system.
For instance, it is part of the Yoruba value system to protect the good name of the family, and the people have beautiful proverbs to remind themselves of this societal value: They will say, "oruko rere sanju wura ati fadaka" meaning a good name is better than silver and gold; they will say "ise logun ise" meaning work is the cure for lack.
In youruba value system, dancing naked which is believed to be our culture is not part of it. Young ladies are trained to respect their nackedness and virginity. Display of their nackedness anyhow even before their husband is not acceptable. There is even a proverbs that describes wayward woman as "a toju oko roso" meaning dressing before the husband. In our value system, it is the honour of parents to give their daughter out for marriage as a virgin. The exception to this is that many of our ladies see virginity as old fashioned. This is not part our value system.
It is anti value sytem exception to be invlove in anti social activities, but do we see today? An applause of corrupt public office holders, a collaboration between criminals and some incorrigible element among the law enforcement agents. These anti-social activities are aided by the collapse of our school system. When the school can no more protect the interest of its societal value system, we then have a society that is plagued by the harassment of anti social value exceptions.
The broken wall of our school system should be raised to bring back to the society the lost values. It is time for a new generation of leader to be raise by the school system and this can only be possible if the curriculum of the school can be repackaged to accomodate revival of our lost value system.
Ritual killing, kidnapping, corruption, sexual perversions are not part of our value system they are the exceptions that crept in when the school system went on a long commatosse.

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