Saturday, July 5, 2008


One of my beloveth graduates came to my office recently and we were talking about unemployment. This young man graduated from Covenant University Ota.

He told me that from his little experience an IT professional, he has just discovered that there are lots of good jobs out there, but there are no qualified graduate to fill them up. This is why we have high job migration among the professionals.

This is a great opportunity to any smart graduates. greater opportunity to undergraduates.

  • First identify where you desire to work.
  • Engage in research to find out their most pressing need
  • Offer yourself to render your contribution if given the chance to work in the organization
  • Don't just package application form alone like others, attach your findings
  • Accomlish your application with a brief stating your interest in the organization, your love for the organization and the findings of your research result.
  • Suggest various ways you can be of tremedous contribution. Mean it.
  • Trust in God and commit it unto God's hand.
I know many people that have gotten their desired job through this approach.

If you are undergraduate you can start following the performance of organizations of your desire right from your second year.

For more detail commend freely and request for details.

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